Spotted Online – Robocop ED-209 Review at The Fwoosh

NECA’s ED-209 action figure* looks so remarkable that I am ashamed to admit that my own is still in the box. You see, the toy arrived late last week and I just haven’t had time to devote to opening and playing with it. And with the schedule packed for the next few weeks — vacation, work, NYTF trip — I don’t realistically see myself getting to it for at least two weeks. Probably more.

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It’s a good thing for you guys that you don’t have to rely on me getting time to review the toy, because you can instead go right now to The Fwoosh ED-209 review by ibentmyman-thing. Lots of great pics and I kinda regret reading the review because it has me tempted to skip work today. But life — and the office — calls, so I’ll instead be a responsible adult and go to the office and leave you to the review.

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