Spotted Online – Sherry Lou Toys’ “Action Fleet Go” eBook Sample
Sherry Lou Toys (website) is putting together a new eBook of paper toys for use with 3.75-inch scale action figures . . . and you can download the first sample vehicle for free right here! You’ll need to download the PDF, print the pages on color stock, and then grab scissors and glue to assemble your own vehicle. Very cool stuff and it makes me wish I had time to sit down and design a few downloadable PDF print-n-build playsets.

Does anyone remember the downloadable display I posted back in 2011? You may recognize the design since I’ve used the piece as a backdrop for some toy photos since I designed that paper display. I really would enjoy designing some larger and more complex pieces but there just isn’t time for everything I want to do.
This is the perfect companion to the Glyos line and Glyos “sister” lines.
@Z Foundation – Oh, yes. These would make great vehicles for Glyos figures. And if you visit the site and look at their playsets you’ll notice an Outer Space Men action figure in one of the videos.
These are great! I can use them as stand-ins for RPG vehicles as well. Thanks for the linkage!
@Jay – Happy to help! Have fun building the vehicles.