Spotted Online – Socket Poppers Popping All Over

I had some fun recently when Newt over at Infinite Hollywood gave us a post on Ertl’s Socket Poppers which soon led me to exploring the web for more Socket Poppers posts and information. You see, I’m sitting on four of these action figures — two MOC sets — and I keep getting close to popping them open for a review so we’ll call the time I spent reading “research” rather than “screwing around.”

Click to visit Infinite Hollywood!

So what did I find online when I searched for ‘Socket Poppers?’ Well, before I even started searching I hit the reliable Virtual Toy Chest. This site should be on everyone’s “read and enjoy” list of sites, but when it comes to Socket Poppers the site actually wasn’t all that useful.

Weirdo Toys, on the other hand, really stepped up to the plate and blasted a home run with this pic-heavy Socket Popping post. Fantastic, and definitely worth reading. That Swamp Monster looks great.

The last place I’ll point you at for Socket Poppers entertainment (well, at least for today) is this post at X-Entertainment. And as usually happens at the site, there’s way more than just Socket Poppers in that post. Fun stuff, but be prepared to get confused toward the end of the post.

So that was all due to a single post at Infinite Hollywood. Thanks, Newt. You always do find new ways to waste my time. And I appreciate it.

4 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Socket Poppers Popping All Over

  1. You’re welcome. Glad I inspired you, I know you’ve done the same to me before. Which Poppers did you get?

    I almost bought a bunch off Ebay the other day, but they’re a tad expensive for my tastes right now. Plus I’m still digging around to see if I have some more of my old ones in a bin somewhere.

  2. Hey! Thanks for the props on my Socket Poppers blog entry. I enjoyed putting that one together. It was a bit laborious, but well worth it. Like you said, there’ not a whole lot of info about them out there.

    I really love those guys, and I’m thrilled to see others discovering the line. (I’m still missing a few of ’em, so it’s actually bad for me to have other people discovering the toyline. Competition. Ha!)

  3. OMG… dude may dad sculpted all of the socket poppers i even still have original resin copies of most of the figures. they like came and went so fast i thought that nobody even remembered them.
    thats awesome .. this is why i love this site
    oh! and thanks for putting up may gi joe papercraft a few days ago ..
    if anybody wants to check out my pops work (david arshawsky)
    check out his site he has tuns of pics of all the old and new toys he’s worked on

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