Spotted Online – “Star Wars’ Original 70s Adventures” at Nothing But Comics

I’ve made no secret of my love of the original Star Wars comics by Marvel, especially those stories set before Empire, and after the way in which A Galaxy Far, Far Away* treated the work of Carmine Infantino I wanted to find someone out there who appreciates those old Marvel Star Wars comics. Fortunately, many of us in the world do enjoy those stories, and it wasn’t long at all before I found this post at Nothing But Comics.

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An overview of Marvel’s Star Wars run of the seventies and eighties, the article goes over the history of the comics’ creation, Lucasfilm’s few (at the time) rules, and even touches on what exactly makes those stories so incredibly fun:

“One of the advantages that Marvel had in the 70s, as opposed to 2015, was that the universe of Star Wars was still a pretty blank slate.”

A lot of those old Marvel Star Wars comics are more swashbuckling and space opera adventure than we’ve seen since in the Star Wars universe. At some point along the line, Star Wars developed into its own brand of sci-fi, but those original comics fully embraced and built right on the space opera joy of a simpler time. And I think it is that wider eyes and broader adventure that makes those older stories so very fun.

Check out the complete story here.

1 thought on “Spotted Online – “Star Wars’ Original 70s Adventures” at Nothing But Comics

  1. Marvel had a blank check to play in that wonderful, undefined landscape and they made the most of it. That quote you pulled says it all. Bookmarked, saved, shared!

    Thanks for the find!

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