Spotted Online – Steregon Video Review

The Steregon (see my review here) — also known as “It’s AWESOME,” according to the reviewer — gets some short video love from “Supervinyl Toy Review.” The reviewer is obviously quite excited about the Steregon — and I can’t blame him, because the toy certainly is is “AWESOME” — but in the end the review itself doesn’t actually say much.

Time and again I consider taking a shot at posting video review, but each time my thought process leads directly to the conclusion that words and photos are a far superior approach since a video leaves me clicking pause in an attempt to get a closer look at the toy being reviewed. I respect and appreciate the effort that goes into creating a good video review, but I personally get more out of words and photos.

That doesn’t stop me from enjoying this short and silly review, and it’s for that reason that I just had to share the video with you guys. After all, it’s AWESOME!