Spotted Online – Sword’s Edge Review at Parka Blogs

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This beautiful Sword’s Edge: Paintings Inspired by the Works of Robert E. Howard* art book is one I hadn’t even heard of until I spotted the review at Parka Blogs. Man, gorgeous work and I really don’t hit that art book review site often enough. Actually, it’s possible that I hit it too often because every time I go there I spot another fantastic art book.

At 48-pages it’s very short, but it’s also fairly inexpensive for an art book. And the product description at Amazon would have had me clicking the “buy” button even if I hadn’t seen the photo and video review at Parka Blogs. The price, description, and review all combined to force me to order this book for my collection . . . and I can’t wait for it to arrive.

Countless artists have painted Robert E. Howard’s characters through the years, but none have done so more brilliantly than legendary Spanish painter Manuel Pérez Clemente Sanjulián. With the impact of a battle axe, Sword’s Edge collects an action-filled brace of paintings that brings Howard’s classic stories to vivid life for a new generation of enthusiasts. Best known in the United States for his cover paintings for the comic magazine Vampirella, Sanjulián has been rightly called “an artist’s artist” for his masterful compositions and vibrant use of color. Honored by the Society of Illustrators, he has created his numerous book jackets for a diverse range of publishers.

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