Spotted Online – Takara’s Beast Saga Brings Battle Beasts to Life
Everything old is new again, as two new posts at Battle Beasts News demonstrates.
First up we have “New Japanese Beast Saga Prototype Figure?” which shows a cropped pic from Twitter and speculates on the image.
And then we get “Beast Saga: New Figure, TakaraTomy Logo” which shows two images and makes it clear that Takara is behind this new round of Battle Beasts-like toys in Japan. Looking neat, and between this and the new Diamond Select series it seems that everyone will get all of the Battle Beasts toys they could want.

Prediction: Despite the attempts by IDW, Diamond Select Toys, and Takara, the Battle Beasts concept isn’t one that enough people will go for to make these companies continue producing Battle Beasts material. As with Thundercats I suspect we’ll see intense and heated excitement at first, but then everything will die in a year or so.
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I really hope your prediction would be wrong. I waited new Battle Beasts figures for more than 20 years. This 2 lines are perfect as they are 2 totally different vision of what a Battle Beast could be.
@Sylvain – My only reason for the prediction is that Battle Beasts were never huge when they were new, and so far nothing we’ve seen announced is as big as the Thundercats cartoon was last year.
That, combined with the fact that so far everything announced is limited to comic stores/Japan, tells me that this will not be the massive success that everyone wants.
@Philip Reed – I understand what you mean. It’s just the Battle Beasts lover in me that hope you to be wrong. Maybe this time will be the good one to release Battle Beasts. Qui vivra verra.
The problem with the ThunderCats is that the toys are borderline crap. Hopefully we get a higher quality production with the Battle Beasts.
@Marv – I don’t think the quality of the toys is the primary reason why they’re already going on clearance. Kids jut didn’t get into the line; and it’s not surprising since the cartoon and toys weren’t actually given all that much of a chance.
i certainly agree that Diamond’s effort will go the way of the dinosaurs quick, after sitting through their panel at C2E2, they are clearly getting annoyed at any comparison to the original line, and have therefore not worked a single fan request into what they are making even after apparently gauging interest for years.
@Talyn – Did DST mention why they’re annoyed with comparisons to the original line? I don’t see how they could have expected anyone to NOT compare their efforts to the originals.
Well, stressed heavily that this new line has no ties to anything that has existed before, its completely original, its not some continuation or revival of anything. Basically that’s their corporate line because they have no rights to those original designs, but like you said, that have to expect the comparison to be made, because that’s what the name brings up.
If anything, it seemed they are getting more annoyed that no one cares about their original concepts, and instead everyone wants a revival of something they can’t do.
I think everyone wants rub signs. Water beats Fire!
These are cool–I’ve got a box of the originals in the basement somewhere. My prediction for the next big “bring’em back from obscurity” toy…
Again, big for a year, then killed without remorse!