Spotted Online – The Most Awesome Megatron T-Shirt You’ll Ever See

Now I’m not a huge t-shirt fan, but I do have a few designs that I own and enjoy wearing. Well, I may have found a completely new Transformers t-shirt that needs to be in my wardrobe of geek shirts.

Click to visit!
Click to visit! is offering this shirt for $20. Do you guys think someone over there would like to ship me a case of cool t-shirts to review? I promise I would test the shirts out in a variety of geek settings. After all, I’m always headed to a game convention somewhere.

3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – The Most Awesome Megatron T-Shirt You’ll Ever See

  1. I love the homage to Scarface. I could swear Megatron said something similar to, “Say hello to my little friend.” Except that little friend would be his fusion cannon.

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