Spotted Online – The Tale of One Man’s Massive Antique Toy
You know what I love most about blogs (toy, game, or anything)? The posts that are so human, so deep, so involved that you just can’t help but feel like you’ve made a connection with the author. Yes, even when you’ve never met or talked with the author. Those posts that are obviously written by a passionate, excited person are always the best.
And that’s why this post at the ToyboxDX Brog makes me smile.

Take a close look at that box. Yes, that’s a kid riding this giant toy. Wow, it’s like a spaceship Big Wheel that was designed for giant robot toys. That’s impressive as hell, and the size of this thing makes me happy that I was never really into Japanese robot toys when I was a kid or else I’d probably be wishing for one of these. And our garage certainly wasn’t designed to hold a Jumbo Grendizer Spazer.

This isn’t anywhere near my list of wants, but I can appreciate the coolness and understand why someone would love to own one. Which is part of why I really enjoyed Sanjeev’s tale of how he acquired this beauty.
An awesome toy and a great, enjoyable blog post.
Source: toybot studios.
Admit it: you want one, and you want to ride on it. ADMIT IT!!!!
Car or giant Spazer? Car or house down payment? I’m glad he found one at last, but the price is just too much.