Spotted Online – The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Transformers, Ever

Street Level brings us The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Transformers, Ever, an entertaining read in which the author shows how little he really knows when he says:
“The Insecticons were much like the Dinobots, except they were insects that terrorized farms and nowhere as cool. Seriously, the only kids who enjoy playing with bugs when given the choice of playing with dinosaurs are the ones that grew up to become serial killers.”
The Insecticons were nothing like the Dinobots. For one thing, the Insecticons are much cooler. And besides, bug-loving kids don’t always grow up to be serial killers. Sometimes, in fact, they grow up to make games and play with toy blogs.
Overall, it’s a fun read but I disagree with a lot of the author’s choices. Where’s Perceptor? Where are the Powerdashers? Where are the Micro Transformers? Now those were ridiculous. Or the Action Masters? Who needs transforming robot toys that can’t transform?
Still, it’s a fun read.
Action Masters are scaled to size with Gi Joe figures, and scaling them this way allows Optimus Prime to team up with Duke. Now you know.
I agree totally, on the other hand, that Powerdashers are useless – but when you consider the source of them, the cheapest Diaclone items around, it elicits a shrug from me. We’re lucky we didn’t get 17, 15, and 19 on this page as TF: