Spotted Online – Thermo Attack Batman Review at Zarak’s Barracks
If you didn’t believe my Thermo Attack Batman review then maybe you’ll want to take a quick peek at another review of the same toy, this time over at Zarak’s Barracks. My hope is that enough photos and reviews of the Power Attack Batman series will appear online that everyone who has complained about the toys will finally realize that the line is actually incredible. Trust me, these are very cool toys.

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Woo, thanks for the repost! My only real issue with this line is lack of knees, if there were knee joints, these Batmen would be unstoppable. I grabbed Blaze Buster Batman yesterday and oddly enough, his left hand is molded in a fist like Toxic Takedown Bats! Is it slightly cheaper to sculpt a figure with one closed fist or something?
The new Batman stuff is getting savaged, pretty unfairly I think. Will definitely be getting a few of these, they look like so much fun! Thanks for the reviews.