Spotted Online – Thrust Review at
I already mentioned the first wave of Transformers Generations toys* last week when I posted links to the upcoming Lord Straxus-inspired Transformer, Darkmount (mentioned here), but today we get to take a close look at Thrust in this review at Looks pretty damned good, and makes me want to get back to searching through every ToysRUs in Austin for this new wave. (Especially for the Transformers: War for Cybertron** toys.)
“If you’re a collector that had not yet purchased a Thrust compatible with the “Classics” or “Universe” toy lines, this is a great one– it’s also the third version, and the cheapest. We’re sure if you bought the BotCon version, or the later Japanese release, you’re none too pleased right now. But the casual fan or the collector on a budget will undoubtedly be pleased with this toy even if it breaks absolutely no new ground and is essentially a glorified (but welcome) retooled figure.”
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
**Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.