Spotted Online – Transformers: Combiner Wars Sky Lynx in 2016
I’m not 100% sold on how Hasbro’s turning Generation One characters into new combiner teams. I know that’s just the old in me talking, though, so I’m encouraging my brain to think of the announced new combiners as the evolution of the Transformers story into new things. It’s just that when Combiner Wars ( search*) was announced I hadn’t expected characters like Cyclonus and Optimus Prime to become combiners.

Well, now we can add Sky Lynx to the list of new Combiner Wars ( search*) team leaders. Posted at are pics and info from BotCon, and Sky Lynx coming in 2016 is just a tiny slice of the news.
The revealed pics of Sky Lynx look great. It’s amazing to see Hasbro taking these old character designs and create new toys for today. I’m not completely sold on Sky Reign, but I’m willing to give Hasbro a chance here . . . hey, whatever it takes to get a modern Sky Lynx!
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I think that Sky Lynx looks great and you don’t really have to combine him with other figures, if it doesn’t suit you. They all really look great on their own and I just think the fact that they CAN combine is a bonus plus obviously pumps up the play value of the toys too!
Hasbro really have hit the ball of of the park with Combiner wars!
The CW Bombshell figure is now one of my fav transformers!! It has the simplicity and look of the G1 toy but with modern day dynamics. Plus the fact he has alternate gun modes that allow him to play as part of the combiners is a genius move
Want! But I won’t be combining him.