Spotted Online – Transformers: Exodus Review
I’ve now completely read through Transformers: Exodus: The Official History of the War for Cybertron* and have actually started re-reading the book. It started out very strong, but it then slowly devolved into fragmentary notes about the war and its progress before the tone and format switched back to the narrative approach that had captured my attention for the first 100 or so pages of the book.
I’m definitely going to write a full review of this book — a simple Reading post isn’t enough — but for now you can check this review at Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review. I don’t agree completely with the review, but I think this is something anyone with an interest in the novel should read.

I’ll save my thoughts for the review, but I’m comfortable in saying that I recommend this book to Transformers fans. It’s a fun look at the birth of the Autobot and Decepticon factions and the war, and in the end fun is all we should really expect from sci-fi novels.
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.