Spotted Online – Transformers Generation 2 Overview

There’s a lot of people on this world who just simply do not have any love at all for Transformers Generation 2. The toys were weird colors, the cartoon was the old cartoon with terrible computer-generated cut sequences, and many feel the comic was ugly. Well, it made me happy to encounter this Generation 2 overview at Seibertron, if only because the article recognizes that Derek Yaninger’s artwork for the comic series was gorgeous.

Click to visit Seibertron!

The comic only ran twelve issues, but the grocery store where I was buying comics at the time stopped carrying Transformers Generation 2 at issue 7 so it wasn’t until the release of Transformers Dark Designs* and Transformers Rage in Heaven** that I got to finish the story. And the story is as much fun as the artwork, even if the artwork slowly slides in quality over the last couple of issues.

Highly recommended reading if you’ve never picked up these comics. And I see the single issues and trades cheap at used bookstores and even flea markets, so it shouldn’t be a challenge to score the entire run of twelve issues at a very low price.

*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
**Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Transformers Generation 2 Overview

  1. Although I’ve never been a huge TF guy, I quite liked the revamped cartoon. It made the show seem hip instead of just basic reruns. I had some of the toys as well.

  2. Loved the comic, bought most of the run when they were new as I was back into the toys with a vengeance at the time. The G2 stuff is mostly solid – a link between the bricky guys of G1 and the super-articulation of Beast Wars and beyond. Good stuff.

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