Spotted Online – Transformers Generations Magnificus and United Perceptor Photo Galleries

I must have something seriously wrong with my brain. How else can you explain the fact that despite how unhappy I was with the transformation process of the Reveal the Shield Perceptor* that was released in 2011 (review here) I still want more versions of the mold?

And the reason I’m wanting more? The new Seibertron photo galleries showing off the e-Hobby exclusive Magnificus and the Takara Transformers United: Perceptor toys. Awesome recolors, especially that black Magnificus which would look stunning next to the unofficial KFC Mugan series (last mentioned here).

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2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Transformers Generations Magnificus and United Perceptor Photo Galleries

  1. I’m tempted with him because I have that original Magnificus eHobby did – I bought him because I was mad for Microman at the time, so Ga’mede was an instant draw & Magnificus a lovely bonus (never had G1 Perceptor). There’s something about that scheme, which is why I have the KFC Mugen and will no doubt get MMCs inevitable version too 😀

    1. I’ve got the two KFC Mugan and have pre-ordered the Mugan Wave; I know exactly what you mean about the basic Perceptor robot design looking fun.

      I don’t have the e-Hobby Magficus, but from what I can tell that was a really fun set that blended Microman and Transformers in a way that made collectors of both lines happy.

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