Spotted Online – Transformers Generations Scoop Review at TFormers
When you stop and think about it, Hasbro has pulled off a hell of a lot of classic characters in their Transformers Generations series ( search*). But when it comes to shocking me, I don’t know if any new Transformers toy was as surprising a release as Scoop. An update of the 1988 Targetmaster toy (see the TFWiki), Scoop was a surprise if only because Hasbro seems to be going out of their way to ignore Headmasters, Pretenders, and other gimmicks of the eighties.

The Scoop review at does a good job of showing us the toy in robot mode, vehicle mode, and even shows Scoop’s two Targetmaster partners at play. I’ve not yet seen this in stores, but once Scoop hits the Austin area I’ll grab one because I want to encourage Hasbro to create more Targetmaster Transformers toys. And I have to admit I’d love to see them try an actual Pretender or three, but that feels really unlikely.