Spotted Online – Transformers Topspin Pretender
And no, not a Pretender Transformer, but instead a pretender to the Topspin name. The new Transformers: Dark of the Moon toys are on shelves, and the classic Topspin has been forced through Bay’s mind and spat out as a razorblade machine; see this review at TFormers for a look at Topspin’s new look.

There was never any chance in hell that Topspin would look like his original Jumpstarter design (shown above, left), but it would be nice if at least once these damned movies tried to give us robots that do not look like twisted and bizarre collections of machinery. I want robots that look like robots!
With any luck we’ll see a movie reboot soon and a new director get a chance to bring us more classic-like designs. Unlikely, though, because Bay’s work generates tons of cash. For now I guess all I can do is be happy that the Transformers Generations toys are out there . . . oh yeah, Hasbro killed that line for the movie. Damn.
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Haha the saddest part is that the NASCAR characters look like, well, NASCAR fans. One has a mullet and the other is wearing a trucker’s cap. In a way, that type of lazy character design is as insulting as the racist brothers from T2. Okay maybe not that bad, but still a pretty big slap in the face to original G1 fans.