Spotted Online – Transformers Universe Superior Collection?

Spotted in a post at Wilson’s Collections are photos of what really does look like six Transformers that turn into Superion. A little more digging uncovered these photos at Collection DX, which doesn’t appear to be the exact same toys.

This requires a little research.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Transformers Universe Superior Collection?

  1. The ones from Wilson’s Collections is actually a repaint of Sixwing (early 90s?), re-released as Superion. As noted on the page, this is the Micromaster version, so the end result is a Superion about the size of a Deluxe or small Voyager. I’m not a fan of old molds, ’cause I’m an articulation junkie, but if you’re into the old stuff, might be a good buy.

    The ones at Collection DX are repaints from the Energon line (2005?). It was originally re-released in Universe, but shortly thereafter, got repackaged for Revenge of the Fallen. These consist of a Deluxe for the main body and 2 sets of Basics for the limbs. Really, the only reason to get this set is for the below average Silverbolt (Deluxe) and the totally awesome Basics. As a set, I wouldn’t recommend them unless they’re on sale or clearance as Silverbolt is an utter failure as a main body.

  2. Thanks for the explanation updatedude. From looks alone at the collectiondx pictures I like him. I appreciate asymmetry of his design. But now that you’ve given your opinion I think I’ll steer clear, thanks.

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