Spotted Online – Transformers Warpath Using Megatron Tooling
Tomopop has posted this image of an upcoming Transformers Collectors’ Club issue which reveals a new Warpath toys. Now I don’t think this is a club exclusive toy ( search for club toys*), but I’m posting this as I rush off to more meetings and haven’t had any time to dig into things. At a glance I’m not so sure if this tooling reuse works for me; the Generations Warpath (pics posted here) is a much better design in my opinion.
EDIT: Okay, I had a little time and now I have no clue what is up with this new Warpath. It’s not what I thought it was; does anyone have a one or two sentence summary of what’s up with this toy? I’m headed back to Javits for more work and don’t have time to dig deeper until Thursday or Friday.

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I believe it’s the most recent Legends class Megatron with a new head. They showed it right next to Viper, the Cobra blue repaint of Legends Powerglide.