Spotted Online – Unofficial Transformers T-Shirts

It’s not just the toy manufacturers who are out there creating completely unofficial Transformers stuff for us to buy. Unofficial Transformers t-shirt designs are ready for the hardcore fans in the audience and I’ve gotta say that I can think of only two things when looking at these designs:

  1. I totally need this Shockwave t-shirt. 
  2. There’s absolutely no reason for me not to attempt my own shirt designs and post them to one of the t-shirt sites. (Maybe I should post that Shockwave “Shock to the Heart” design to one of the shirt sites.)
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1 thought on “Spotted Online – Unofficial Transformers T-Shirts

  1. Zazzle pulled my ‘unofficial’ Shockwave (AND Astro Magnum) images due to ‘copyright infringement.’

    First: clearly they have zero knowledge of the Astro Magnum figure and were just pulling it because it looked like Shockwave, because I seriously doubt anyone owns rights to that guy. Second: although my art was interpretive and did not include any copyright indicia (like the image you show above,) they still saw fit to yank it down.

    I don’t know what my point is, except maybe I should try RedBubble instead.

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