Spotted Online – Unproduced Judge Dredd Action Figures from Mattel
You may remember the Mega Heroes Judge Dredd ad that I posted back in February. Produced by Mattel, those Judge Dredd toys ( search*) are actually neater than I expected; I have a video review of the first set in the works and really should finish the audio track and post the review.
Anyway, it turns out Mattel had also planned to create 6-inch Judge Dredd action figures. Unfortunately, according to this 2000AD post, the cost and failure of the 1995 movie to generate any level of success at all meant the 6-inch line was cancelled before release. Aw.

Related articles
- Spotted Online – Mezco’s 6-Inch Scale Judge Dredd Action Figure at NYCC (
- 3A Launching 6-Inch Scale Judge Death Action Figure on January 14 (
- Mike McMahon JUDGE DREDD Figure from Unbox Industries (
I never heard of this! Too bad! Dredd needs more plastic love!