Spotted Online – USA Today Previews Transformers Prime
I’m going to give the show a chance, and I really hope that it’s fun, but this preview at USA Today is not encouraging. And my complaint about the preview has less to do with its relation than the Bay films than it does the animation. Attention, producers and directors: computer animation is really starting to suck! I wanted animation that is exciting and stylized and not cinematic cut scenes from a video game.
And I think the producers are fooling themselves if they really believe this:
“What we found that’s heartening is that people like us who grew up with (the original show) are still interested and they follow any iteration,” he says. “Kids are the primary target, but (if) you’re a Transformers fan, hopefully you’re going to get hooked.”
That “follow any iteration” is madness. No, I do not believe that statement at all. No doubt there are some hardcore fans who believe Transformers can do no wrong, but I’ve talked to too many people my age who love Generation One and hate the films to believe that line. But I know it’s marketing so I understand why the line is there. I just find it unbelievable.

And even though the Bay film similarities doesn’t drive me completely insane, I will admit that after War for Cybertron* and Transformers: Exodus* I have to say that seeing an animated series set at that time — on Cybertron — would have been way cooler than another series with humans. Give me robot death and destruction!
Source: Seibertron’s Twitter feed.
Totally Agree with you Phil. Gen 1 was about the only fully decent one (some of the others were ‘ehh’..but)
Maybe someday they’ll get it right again.