Spotted Online – Video Look at FansToys’ Not-Bombshell Toy
The Radio Free Cybertron YouTube channel has posted a five-minute video look at FansToys’ upcoming Grenadier toy, and after watching this I can happily say I’m even more excited for this series of unofficial Transformers Insecticon toys. The design looks like the best adaptation we’ve seen yet of the Generation One design, and knowing how fun the other FansToys releases have been I’m all set to get my hands on this Insecticon.
Watch the video, and then help me in mentally commanding FansToys to release the toy in Diaclone colors. I’m amazed FansProject still hasn’t released their unofficial Insecticons in those old Diaclone colors, but maybe FansToys will take advantage of the new tooling they’ve created and offer us the variant. Please.
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