Spotted Online – Vintage Robot at toybot studios

A few years ago I posted a short bit about the Super Robot #1* toy book (post here). It’s a cool book, and the robot toy on the cover stuck in my mind so strongly that as soon as I saw this post at toybot studios.

Click to visit toybot studios!
Click to visit toybot studios!

An awesome toy, but buying a piece like this Ark Kong toy can only end in disaster. As we all know, getting one toy leads to a second which leads to a third . . .

Yep. Disaster. Fortunately, we get to watch toybot studios as the disaster unfolds . . . and yes, there will be pics. Sweet, sweet pics of ancient toys.

Should be fun.

1 thought on “Spotted Online – Vintage Robot at toybot studios

  1. Oh my. Thanks for this, I love insanely cool things I have almost no chance of owning. Gives me something to work for. 😉

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