Spotted Online – WWRp Bertie MK3 Reviewed at The Fwoosh

I have a confession to make. After the dissatisfaction I had with the last World War Robot* that I opened (3A Toys Delivered, Toy Failure) I haven’t opened the newer packages that have arrived. This includes the new Bertie MK3, the bigger brother to the Bertie that we looked at a few years ago (Bertie 7-pack review here) which arrived last week. Hell, the Bertie MK3 that arrived hasn’t even made it out of its shipping carton because I just don’t have the time to deal with another poor quality toy.

Yes, calling it poor quality before even opening it is unfair, but I’ve now had enough experiences with the line that I expect something will be wrong.

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But my thoughts are my own, and for a close look at the Bertie MK3 see this review at The Fwoosh. The bot looks good — especially as part of the larger group — and it’s very nice to see someone enjoying the line. Hell, seeing these pics has me thinking that just maybe I should crack the box open and give the toy a shot . . .

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