Spotted Online – X-Transbots’ Unofficial Huffer and Pipes

This is looking very cool! Over at TFW2005 there are pics of the upcoming X-Transbots’ unofficial Huffer and Pipes which is looking like an excellent design. It will be great to see how this compares to iGear’s Rager (review here), but so far it’s looking sweet.

I’ll definitely give this one a shot.

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2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – X-Transbots’ Unofficial Huffer and Pipes

  1. I’m really excited by that picture of him pulling MP-10’s trailer. Thats the reason I want a MP Huffer, so its good to see that they planned for it.

    There’s another MP-size not-Huffer being made by a group called Cubex (i threw up the link in the website field). Its got a pretty nice G1 style; though personally I’m preferring x-transbot’s so far.

  2. @Chris – Is it wrong that I kinda want both? My only real problem is I’m just not that big a fan of the Masterpiece toys; the Skywarp I have is so annoying to transform that I don’t even bother trying; he just stands in robot mode in the display case.

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