Spotted Online – Xovergen’s Unofficial Optimus Prime
Transformers fans who want an alternate — and completely unofficial! — Optimus Prime toy complete with trailer will want to take a close look at this Grand Patriot design coming . . . well, word is this is shipping any day now. Several pics are up at and the toys (it’s only available in a two-pack) are up for pre-order at Big Bad Toy Store and Robot Kingdom. Expect to spend about $200 with shipping for these beauties.

Damn, all of these unofficial toys and accessories and add-ons makes me want to tackle producing an unofficial Transformers accessory or two. Someone get over here and knock me upside the head with Prime’s trailer or something because I need to stay sane.
I want the green one, so let me know if you want to go halfsies.
What TF item would you produce, Phil? I’ve thought about this myself from time to time. It’s a tough call. If I have to make it appeal to people other than myself, I have no clue what to make. But I have been working on a custom for years now (by working, I mean assembling the pieces to make it and then not doing anything) of Pretender Skyhammer, using the Gi Joe Sigma Six Dragonhawk as the main component. So probably that.