Spotted Online – Zartan Preview at The Terror Drome
Even though I’ve been unhappy* with IDW’s work on their various Transformers comics, it sounds as if their G.I. Joe comics are holding together and more-consistent continuity and in general keeping old-school fans of the series happy. And if this preview at The Terror Drome is any indication, I may very well enjoy the G.I. Joe comics IDW has been publishing.

Any one out there reading these books willing to make a recommendation? How tough is it to follow the storylines, and would I need to read one of the stand-alone series in order to understand a second? What’s the best order to read these in? Any advice is appreciated.

*Unhappy is unfair, since I do enjoy some of the individual stories. What bothers me most is the random approach and the way in which the stories leap all over the place. There’s no way to sit down and read everything in sequence, and each time I go to read one of their books I have to do research online to figure out what I should already know.