Square Enix and a Lesson in Terrible Customer Service

A recent message from a battlegrip.com reader, Mike S, reminded me that Square Enix never did follow through on their promise to deal with the broken Armored Batman toy. This makes me sad, because the Play Arts Kai Batman that I reviewed was quite cool and I was really looking forward to the Armored Batman action figure.

Mike S, who kindly gave me permission to quote his letter, writes:

I am wondering if you recieved support from Square Enix regarding your broken Armored Batman arm? I had the exact same issue happen to me twice!

Bought him here @ a local toy store, took him out and posed him….and the right arm snapped off. I contacted the store and they said I could bring it back. I opened the replacement in front of the owner and confirmed it seemed to work. Took it home, went to pose him and the right arm broke off again!
I opened a case with Square Enix and they replied:

Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX support,

We apologize you did not find satisfaction within this product. We value your feedback and it will be forwarded to the appropriate parties. In regards to your request for a refund, we cannot offer you one. The only place to obtain a refund, is from the store you purchased it from.

Thank you for contacting the SQUARE ENIX Support Center.

The store of course would not honor a refund as he was fine when we tokk him out & tested him. I’m in my early 40’s, and take excellent care…..anyways I am not impressed!!

It’s bad enough the toy broke, but to then ignore my messages — mail, Facebook, Twitter — made it worse. But the capper on “we are bad at customer service” had to be when one of their staff promised at NYCC to deal with the issue . . . and then never even contacted me once the show was over. And to find out I’m not alone in this problem proves to me that my skipping the company’s releases since this happened was the right answer.

Square Enix, when do you plan to deal with Mike’s broken toy and my own broken Batman?

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6 thoughts on “Square Enix and a Lesson in Terrible Customer Service

  1. So odd that my experience with them was so easy. They just sent the replacement leg for the Master Chief in a timely manner and that was that.

  2. Yeah, you seem to have gotten quite lucky. Square Enix gets no more of my cash until they resolve this. What’s especially annoying is this experience soured me on their products enough that the Deus Ex figures I bought ended up in storage unopened.

    If I could find a phone number to a person I would call the company. This has been a very different experience compared to Gentle Giant (they were amazing and my issue wasn’t even their fault at all).

  3. Man, that’s terrible. I’d expect that kind of response from Hasbro or Mattel, but not Square Enix. It seems like their AA Batmen have a lot of arm issues. I have the first version (non-armored), and whenever I go to pose him right arm it pops off the shoulder balljoint. Not as crummy as what happened to yours, as it’s easily placed back on, but still…

  4. My son bought one of these figures for his birthday and exactly the same thing happened with the arm. Square Enix advised me to go back to the retailer, but I feel that’s appropriate.

  5. This reminds me of my encounter with Shocker Toys. Absolutely terrible service and flat out ignored my follow-ups. I suppose that’s one of the many reasons they are where they’re at now.

  6. @Black Arbor – The few times I’ve had to deal with Hasbro or Mattel customer service they’ve been no problem at all. I’m not sure why Square Enix has been so terrible.

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