Star Trek Goes Ridiculous
My favorite part about being on Entertainment Earth’s mailing list is the daily “this is what we think is cool” e-mails that they ship out. Such as this one:
Kirk: the Man, the Myth, the Licensed Scent
“If you think you have everything you need to look like Captain James T. Kirk this Halloween, you might be right. However, there’s one key component you’re missing: Star Trek Tiberius Cologne. Anyone can have that Kirk look, but only a select few will go the extra mile for the smell. Be one of them with the Star Trek Tiberius Cologne! “

I cannot understand what the thought process was behind this product, but I can readily admit that I can see that there’s probably going to be some sales. I’ve no interest, but maybe enough Trek geeks out there will get excited and grab this that the entire product will be profitable.
What’s next, Chewbacca Shampoo? (I’d call it Wookie Wash.)
Phil, you silly. according to Zalbaar the wookiee (there are 2 E’s) from Star Wars KOTOR says that bathing is degrading for Wookiees.
Phil, you silly. according to Zalbaar the wookiee (there are 2 E’s) from Star Wars KOTOR says that bathing is degrading for Wookiees.
Everyone knows Trekkies don’t use cologne.
… or soap. Heh. Honestly, this is ALMOST as weird as BDSM Dorothy!