Star Wars: Aftermath Preview at Entertainment Weekly
I was about to pre-order Star Wars: Aftermath* last week, but then I realized I would be in Canada the day the book is released and quickly decided it may be better to buy the book in a store while I’m traveling. I had no doubt I would be buying the book — set after Return of the Jedi, Star Wars: Aftermath* starts the set up for the new film — at least, I had no doubt until after reading the Entertainment Weekly preview.

The preview at Entertainment Weekly gives us what they’ve identified as the “opening chapters” of the new book . . . and that’s where my first problem with the story come into play. If this truly presents the “opening chapters” of the book, then the chapters in Star Wars: Aftermath* are short and choppy.
But that’s okay. You see. Because the story. As we’re reading it on the web. Is made up. Only. Of. Shatneresque sentences. That are choppy. Short. Snippets.
You don’t believe me? Here’s a sample:
The sound like a giant bone breaking.
A fracture appears at the base of the statue.
More cheering. Yelling. And—
Applause as it comes crashing down.
The head of the statue snaps off, goes rolling and crashing into a fountain. Dark water splashes. The crowd laughs.
Read the “opening chapters” here.
I’d heard it was choppy but thought it was just people being overly picky. This. Makes me. Not. Wanttobuyit.
@Jay – Maybe it’s just the opening of the book and then the tone and style change?