Star Wars Black Shadow Squadron Target Exclusive Up Now
The Shadow Squadron Pack at can be ordered right now! Fans of Hasbro’s 6-inch scale Star Wars Black action figure series ( search*) won’t want to miss this $50 box set that includes black armored Stormtrooper, Biker Scout, and a Speeder Bike.
Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures and vehicles from The Black Series! This Imperial Shadow Squadron pack is part of the ultimate Star Wars figure collection. It includes highly detailed Shadow Scout and Shadow Stormtrooper Commander figures with specialized cloaking armor, and a Speeder Bike vehicle that either figure can use to dart in and out of battle or on recon missions. The vehicle come with a stand that you can attach for a hovering effect. You’re gonna need a bigger shelf for your Imperial Shadow Squadron pack and the rest of the Black Series!
Ordered this set. Thanks for the heads up! I’m a sucker for Troopers and Bounty Hunters.
@Barbecue17 – We need a bounty hunter set for this! All six of the Empire hunters in one box.
Did you see the NYCC previews tonight? At least IG-88 is on the way! And Leia as Boushh. Good stuff.