Star Wars Mini-Rigs in Fantasy Modeling #6

I think I first mentioned this 1982 magazine article back in 2013, as I was collecting info on Kenner’s Star Wars Mini-Rigs, and after three years of searching I have finally found a copy of Fantasy Modeling #6! I wish I could have found this sooner, but I can happily report that the article was worth the time I sunk into scouring the web — and game conventions! — in search of the magazine.

Mark Duennes

One of the wonderful parts of the article, written by Andrew P. Yanchus, is that the author takes time to explore the history and development of the Mini-Rigs, even going so far as to mention designer Mark Boudreaux’s work on the toys. Fans of Star Wars toys are no stranger to the name Mark Boudreaux who has worked on the line since 1977, but what caught me by surprise was the mention of another designer, Mark Duennes.

Now maybe I’m wrong, but I cannot recall seeing Duennes’ name associated with Star Wars Mini-Rigs before this article. And a search of for Duennes’ name isn’t revealing anything, so I am now left wondering just what info on Duennes’ Star Wars work at Kenner is out there that I am missing. Help! Does anyone have links or info that they can share?

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Three Custom Models

After a short overview and background of the Star Wars Mini-Rigs, Yanchus directs his attention to showing us his modifications to the toys and a bit on the development of each model. You see, Yanchus’ article is mostly about his work chopping, modifying, and painting the MTV-7, MLC-3, and PDT-8 to make completely new vehicles. Above we see the MLC-3 (patent drawings here) transformed into a new tank design; see the article (shared below) for a full discussion by Yanchus on how he modified the toy.

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Above we see the PDT-8 with a cockpit added and lots of kit-bashing work changing the toy into a completely new design. Incredible and fun, and a great example of what a talented artist can do with an off-the-shelf toy and a bunch of bits and time.

Enjoy the Article

What follows are the pages from Fantasy Modeling #6 so that you can jump in and get a feel for how Yanchus approached his modifications to each of the three toys. Enjoy the work, and then you can always check my Mini-Rigs article from 2013 — The Genius of Kenner’s “Star Wars Collection” Mini-Rigs — for more information on an easily-forgotten Star Wars toy subline.

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2 thoughts on “Star Wars Mini-Rigs in Fantasy Modeling #6

  1. Man I REALLY dig that PDT-8 revamp! That ship was kinda dorky (it was the first one I owned) but I’d have snapped up a fleet of them had they looked like that.

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