Star Wars Pogs Ad from 1995
Out of an issue of Star Wars Galaxy magazine (find at*) comes this full page ad for the Star Wars pogs that Topps released that year. Yes, pogs, from a time when the pogs fad was sweeping schools. It turns out that if you want Topp’s Star Wars pogs then they’re not tough to find*, meaning that every single one of us could rush out and start a collection of what was once a fairly popular form of collectible. Or, maybe we shouldn’t.
Related articles
- Star Wars Galaxy Magazine Ad from 1995 (
- Topps’ Official Guide to Star Wars Toys (
- 1995 Ad for Topps’ X-Files Magazine (
I don’t ever remember getting the Star Wars Caps over here in Australia, but on the back of the Special Edition re-releases in 1997 we did get Star Wars Tazos — Tazos were kind of like a knock-off of the POGs concept, but they were given away in bags of crisps. Between them and Glo-Caps, POGs were actually kind of pushed out of the market over here and never really caught on in the same way as their imitators.