Star Wars The Clone Wars 50% Off at Wal-Mart

My first thought when out at stores this morning was that there were no deals. But as I started looking closer I spotted deals I never expected to see, such as Wal-Mart marking all Star Wars: The Clone Wars action figures and vehicles down by 50%. I suspect this is a limited time thing related to EOY and inventory, but regardless of the reasons this is a great time to snag some of those Clone Wars toys that you have been wanting.

4 thoughts on “Star Wars The Clone Wars 50% Off at Wal-Mart

  1. We braved Walmart last night, as we’d forgotten to get dog food. It looked like a bomb had gone off in the place. I didn’t spot any bargains but even if I had, I doubt I’d have found what I wanted, given the disarray the stock had been left in.

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