Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season One DVD

Last week was a fantastic week for DVD releases, with both G.I. Joe: Resolute (mentioned here) and the first season of Star Wars The Clone Wars* hitting store shelves. On Saturday afternoon Gina and I grabbed the Clone Wars DVD and watching these episodes has been a hell of a lot of fun. This is so much better than the prequel movies that it makes me wish the team behind this series had handled the movies.
I haven’t watched any of the special features yet, but the episodes themselves make this pack a great buy. And when you add in the booklet packed with concept art things get even better.

Actually, my only complaint so far is that the book is bound into the DVD case and not a separate piece. I would have much rather seen the book as a removable item, but it’s not so terrible that I recommend against skipping the set because of this one flaw. Actually, I highly recommend this series to any Star Wars fan. This is what makes Star Wars fun, and the short episodes means you can watch these an episode or two at a time.
I wish Season Two was going to be out on DVD soon, because we’re gonna finish this by the end of the week and I’ll be ready for more.
* Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
You’re totally right that this series is better than the prequels. The character development and plot are both much better than the movies, and I’d go as far as to say that the designs of the costumes, aliens, vehicles, etc. is better, too. I’d much rather have a TX-20 action figure than pretty much any character from the prequels.
@Nathan – I love all of the clone trooper designs in the animated series. And the episode with snow troopers made my day.
You could always watch Season 2 on Cartoon Network every Fridays at 8:00PM EST.
@Drayco90 – You mean watch it as it airs? That’s crazy talk, man!