Star Wars: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy Coming in September

Okay, I must now admit that I absolutely love this idea. Disney has announced a new Star Wars YA novel — The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy* — and it’s a complete retelling of the original Star Wars film . . . from a certain point of view.

Although the Rebel Alliance has won a few battles against the Empire, hope is fading. The Empire is about to finish building the greatest weapon the galaxy has ever seen-the Death Star. The rebels’ only chance to defeat it now lies in the unlikely hands of a princess, a scoundrel, and a farm boy. . . .

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Set for release on September 22, 2015, The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy* is just one in a trilogy of novels designed to retell the original Star Wars trilogy. Disney has posted a PDF preview of the first novel, and a quick scan of the text has me positive that this will be a fun read. I suggest checking that out.

Read the PDF preview!
Read the PDF preview!