Stompers Fun x 4 Eighties Toy Commercial
There was a time in the early eighties when the Stompers toy cars (Wikipedia) stole several days of my schoolyard recess fun. And seeing the Defiants toys ( search*) in stores over the last year or so has me thinking it could be fun to track down some of the old trucks . . . sites like’s “Stompers” gallery don’t help any. Maybe this old commercial will help.
I had many Stompers back in the day. Especially loved it when they gave them the extra speed ability or those nifty conical hubcaps so they could do tricks! And back in the day when McDs dumped a lot of $$ into their HappyMeal toys… loved the non-electric mini Stompers! Great for free wheeling fun in the sandbox!
My favorite Stompers were the Mega Star and Future Force lines. They had great little 2cm figures as drivers. The huge ROC vehicle/playset is pure toy bliss.