Subscribe to my YouTube Channel
I have a lot to learn about video, but I’ve started assembling enough video content that you may want to subscribe to my YouTube channel today and watch what happens next. I have a lot to learn, and I am a long way from being able to post videos on a set schedule, but I am learning, and I’d like many of you to join me and watch as I figure out how to best create videos that are relevant to my many interests.

Video will not replace what I have been doing here for the last eight years, but instead, I hope to learn how to use video to amplify the types of posts I’ve been writing and posting here at since 2008. The existing videos are all over the map, and it is going to take me many months to find my own style and voice. I hope you’ll join me.
Done! The space walker at Grand Central cracked me up 🙂
@Jay – I wanna make more videos like that. And I need to take a shot at actual video reviews.
I’m always looking for new channels to checkout. Looking forward to going through what you have on here.
Just as long as stays updated, easier to peruse at work hehe.
@Court – Once I am back home I’ll start getting regular updates flowing again. I didn’t have time to schedule any posts before I left for NYC.
Cool! I just subscribed and will check out your videos throughout the week.
@clark – Thanks! I still have a lot to learn, but I am trying.
You were one of the few that got early shots of the Mythic Legends MORGOLYTH stretch goal! Sweet!