Super Go-Bots Staks Transport Ordered . . . but which one?
After yesterday’s post about a Go-Bots guide I found myself exploring the web a little when I happened to run across the Amazon listing for the Super Go Bots Staks Transport gift set Tonka 7244*. The photos included with the Amazon listing were a little confusing for me since I think it’s showing two separate products.

I want the set with the trailer, and the price looked right, so a little more exploring online led me to an image that showed the back and side of the box numbered 7244, which matches the number in the Amazon listing so I think I’ll be getting what I wanted. But I won’t know for sure until the box arrives and I can look inside.

And in my searching online for a clue as to which box the Amazon entry was talking about I ran across three different pages that are must views if you have any interest in the Super Go-Bots Staks Transport toy.
All should be examined, but that CollectionDX review is the superior review since it shows several photos, discusses the history of the toy, and even compares the toy to Transformers toys of the same era. And you want icing? The CollectionDX review closes with the eighties Super Go-Bots toy commercial. Now that’s a great review!
As I recall, the box had a flap that opened to show the toy in the package, like the last batch of Toys R Us Transformers reissues.
@ShadowWing Tronix – Thanks! That sounds just fine to me.
Viva la GoBots!
I just picked up a loose version of Staks with trailer off Ebay along with a MIB Destroyer. That completes my collection of series one Super Gobots. I’ve developed a greater appreciation of these guys as an adult than I ever had as a kid. Love the non-humanoid heads the first series have.