Super Shogun Stormtrooper Slowdown
Damn. Well, looks like I can forget seeing my Super Shogun Stormtrooper next week. The latest word from Super7 moves the ship date back to June 12th. They’re still saying that the pre-orders will ship early, but no official word on just how early the pre-orders will ship. I sure hope this arrives before June 12 . . . if it arrives between June 13th and 16th I’ll miss out for a few days since I’ll be at the ASTRA show in Rhode Island.
“The countdown clock on our STAR WARS sub-site has been updated to reflect the release date for the STORMTROOPER SUPER SHOGUN as June 12th. We apologize for this slight delay and thank you for your patience.”
“We are going to put together a number of special events for that day at our retail stores – stay tuned for details!”