Takara’s Beast Saga up for Pre-Order
Both Big Bad Toy Store and Robot Kingdom have Takara’s new Battle Beasts series, Beast Saga, up for pre-order. The posts at Battle Beasts News and Poe Ghostal alerted me to the pre-order status, so I can thank both of them for the order I placed this morning.

Now these are some awesome toys. And what I find really exciting is that Takara is keeping the game element of the original Battle Beasts series, but instead of the original RPS mechanic they’ve added dice. And at Big Bad Toy Store a few of the available products really illustrate how much Takara is focusing on the game side of the line:
- Magic Rod Booster A – Looks like a set of five dice for $6. Anyone who has manufactured custom dice knows that this price is pretty reasonable, and for an import item $6 is a great price.
- Magic Rod Booster B – More dice, and according to the pics these are the same dice. I suspect that’s not true and the dice are somehow different.
- Official Dice Battle Field – A playmat and a die for $30. There may be more going on, but the photo doesn’t tell us what’s really up.
- Dice Battle Colosseum – Like the “battle field,” but with more toys and what appears to be a 3-D dice corral in the center of the play surface.

What is sad is that I was already planning to grab a few Beast Saga toys, but now that I’ve seen photos and just how much Takara is adding “game” to the line I’m in for more than I was originally thinking. I doubt the game will be so involved and exciting that I want to play, but as a game professional and a toy geek this marriage of fun is something I’ve just got to get a really close look at.

Related articles
- IDW’s New Battle Beasts Comic Announced (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – Interview With Battle Beasts Comic Writer Bobby Curnow (battlegrip.com)
- Spotted Online – Takara’s Beast Saga Brings Battle Beasts to Life (battlegrip.com)
I couldn’t resist, I pre-ordered the Death Heart Deck, Eredoramu and Moriku. Figure it’s better to get in there now instead of wishing I had in a few months when these guys have hit ridiculous secondary market prices.
@Black Zarak – I’m hoping the figure are extremely cool and do well. I was skeptical of these at first, but seeing the dice arena and dice makes me think that Takara has a chance at attracting kids to this line. And kids are what it will take for this to succeed.
Will Hasbro bring these to the US if they do well in Japan?
I want to order something but I don’t know what to get. Any suggestions? I too love the marriage of game + toy!
@Stratos – I say pick three or four of the figures that look cool, or maybe just three or four of the blind packed figures. I also went for the dice sets.
Ok. It looks like Robot Kingdom has slightly better prices but I’ve never ordered from them. I ordered from BBTS a while back. Any preferences?
@Stratos – I have ordered from both and been happy. RK is in Hong Kong, though, so the shipping is a lot higher.
Thanks Phil! I went with BBTS. I ordered the Lion, Elephant, Dolphin, and Bat plus Dice #1. Don’t know if I’ll be able to play w/o a mat but I’ll find out sooner or later. 🙂