Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mouser Statue
Sideshow’s SDCC exclusives never last long, but at least pieces like this TMNT Mouser statue* are still on the wait list option for anyone who wanted one but missed it. In my experience the wait list is about a 50/50 chance of getting the item; it all depends on how early you get on the list. 9-inches tall and limited to 250 pieces, I doubt there will be many of these popping up for wait list orders, but I could be wrong.

“Created by infamous scientist/extortionist Baxter Stockman, robotic Mouser robots patrol city streets and sewers exterminating anything that appears remotely edible, sniffing out rats and turtles with determination. Their steel jaws and iron stomachs can handle anything, including the hardest of turtle shells.”

*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn battlegrip.com cash, which is applied to buying toys.