Ten Christmas Gift Ideas for Transformers Fans
NOTE: Check out the 2016 Transformers gift ideas list for newer suggestions.
Christmas is coming, and this post is for those of you who need to do a little shopping for the Transformers fan on your list. All of these gifts are intended for Transformers Generations One fans — basically, those of us who prefer the classic, eighties-style characters over the movie characters — so if your target is someone in his thirties then you should be very popular by following this list.
NOTE: Several of these items are at Amazon.com* but a few of the stranger ones are at smaller websites. I have had good experiences with both Big Bad Toy Store and TFSource, but I have not yet received my first order from Robot Kingdom so I’m not sure how they are on delivery. And as we get closer to Christmas there’s more of a chance for slow deliveries.
Enjoy the list, and don’t forget to share it with those who are buying your gifts this year.

Decepticon Piranacon – G1 Commemorative Seacons
This reissue set presents one of the later classic combiner teams that is a sure hit with fans of Transformers monsters. The Seacons are weird, brightly colored, and everything about this set screams “awesome” when you pick up the box. You know, I really should post a review of this reissue set.

Transformers: The Complete Series*
Any fan of classic Transformers, regardless of age, needs the animated series close at hand. I’ve been watching episodes lately and the story concepts range from great to terrible, but in general the instant the music starts these cartoons shoot me back to the eighties. This collection every episode and a ton of extras. Warning, this one’s expensive.

Transformers Encore Edition Omega Supreme*
A retro reissue toy, this $100 Omega Supreme is perfect for that kid in 1985 who didn’t find an Omega Supreme under the tree at Christmas. This toy is massive and looks great; I just wish Hasbro would bring us a War for Cybertron*-styled Omega Supreme toy. But for now this will have to do, and I can say that I would be overjoyed to find this guy on Christmas morning.

Transformers Encore Edition Optimus Prime*
One of the greatest Transformers toys of the eighties, Optimus Prime has been rereleased several times so scoring one isn’t all that difficult. And once you’ve got your favorite Transformers fan a classic-styled Optimus Prime you’re ready to step out to something a little off the beaten path with this . . .

G1 Prime Matrix of Leadership Upgrade Set
This is an unofficial add-on kit for the classic Optimus Prime, whether it be an original release or a reissue Prime. This set adds new parts to Prime, but I have to warn you that the quality control isn’t perfect so ordering this is a little bit of a risk since there’s a chance it will include two left hands. But it’s one of those things that would go well with the Transformers Encore Edition Optimus Prime*.

TRNS-01 Valkyrie and TRNS-02 Medic Set
I do not own this unofficial Transformers set, but I can say that as a fan of the 1986 The Transformers – The Movie* I’ve stared at this pack a few too many times; after all, this Arcee-styled toy would go great in the collection. And since this is an unofficial toy available only online there’s a pretty good chance your Transformers fan doesn’t already have it.

Palisades Shockwave Statue
This statue is priced at $70 over at Robot Kingdom, but since I’m still waiting on my first order to arrive I can’t say how this company is. The conservative approach would be to order Shockwave from Amazon*, but they have it for almost $200 more than Robot Kingdom. So why is this on the list? Shockwave looks great, is a favorite with a lot of fans, and this statue looks fantastic.

Cybertronian Soundwave*
With some work you can score this guy for $10 or $11 in stores, and he’s well worth grabbing because it’s a great toy. If you want to see several photos and read my thoughts you can read my review, but I’ll assume you’re just shopping for someone and simply say: Soundwave is a great character and this is a toy that every Soundwave fan will want.

This is a Japanese Transformers toy that was part of a special deal so there’s a very good chance your fan doesn’t have one of these. I also reviewed this toy recently, and I can say it’s neat but definitely better received as a gift than purchased out of a toy budget so this is a great gift idea for a Transformers fan.

Transformers Busts*
I’m cheating in this entry and linking to a search for Transformers busts at Amazon* because there are too many cool micro-statues to ignore. And with some discounted as low as $10 there’s a lot of options regardless of your budget. And trust me, these busts look best in a group so order your Transformers fan at least two. But not if you don’t want a dozen of them around by this time next year, because once you get one you’ve gotta have more.
So there they are, ten gift ideas for the Transformers fan on your Christmas list. Good luck shopping, and if you order only one thing from this list I recommend something from the list of Transformers busts at Amazon* because each one I own is a work of art and they look great in our living room.
If you’ve got any questions or need advice shopping for your Transformers fan you can contact me and I’ll try to help.
I’m still jonesing for a Transformers Animated Omega Supreme.
@powettoys – I really liked how the WFC Omega Supreme was the classic with just a few tweaks here and there. But I know it’s highly unlikely Hasbro will release one; not a character movie fans will know and not a lot of reuse potential.