Terminator 2 Toy Commercial

It’s Terminator Salvation time this week, which means that it’s (probably) time for me to be disappointed by yet another movie that was looking good. I’m old, I know, because 99% of the movies that come out don’t satisfy me.

Unlike old toy commercials, which are always good for a laugh. You don’t believe me? Watch this.

Ug. Or, better yet, ugly. I really don’t remember ever holding these toys when they were released, and I don’t think I’ve seen one in person since their release, but this commercial doesn’t make me want any of them. Every single toy in this commercial looks terrible. But the commercial itself is pure gold!

2 thoughts on “Terminator 2 Toy Commercial

  1. I have a bunch of these. Fun toys, if you enjoy the Kenner style of the time. I find myself picking them up for cheap, or at flea markets, and just building the shared universe that they always should have had – Alien, Predator, Bill and Ted, Swamp Thing, Ghostbusters, Police Academy, Terminator, etc…leading to the League of Kenner Gentlemen.

  2. John, you’re a man I can almost always relate to. I LOVE the Kenner house style from the time. It was so clean and stylized… I think it was a good source of inspiration for an entire generation of designer toy artists.

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