The Easiest Page to Drop Into Transforming Expectations
My book about third party Transformers toys, Transforming Expectations (Kickstarter page), continues to come together bits at a time as toys arrive and I find time to snap pics. Page after page after page takes hours of work, but as of this week I can report that the easiest addition to the book is in and complete.

Sidecutter, owner of online toy site Captured Prey, contacted me during the project last fall and asked about sponsoring the book. He quickly jumped on the special reward level I created after discussion with him and I’m happy to report that his sponsorship of the book directly helped me make the decision to go ahead and expand the project to 96-pages.
Shown above is the Captured Prey ad that’s set to appear in Transforming Expectations. Once Sidecutter had the final ad in my hands I wanted to share it with everyone, both to show you guys how it looks and as an extra thank you to Sidecutter for generously supporting the project.
More new pages will appear online once I get time to knock out another large block of work.
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