The End of BGGCon

Today is the last day of BGGCon, and as we usually do Gina and I are ducking out early and heading for home. I worked a good chunk of yesterday, but I still had time to take some photos and play some less-that-serious games. I also managed to score a copy of Dungeons & Dragons Inn-Fighting (BGG, Amazon*) at the flea market for just $5. I’ve never played the game, but at $5 I’ll give it a shot.

So about the pics.

Hamsterrolle (BGG) – Be the first player to get rid of your wooden pieces by playing them in the wheel, but you must play where the last player placed a piece or one more section higher up the wheel. If you knock out and pieces then they go into your hand.

The Wobbly Wall (BGG) – Again, get rid of your wooden bits before the other players. This time you’re constructing a wall.

We also spotted some Pac-Man graffiti last night and a packaged Iron Man who has been holding it way too long (suggested by Motorbot on Twitter). Won’t someone please open this toy so that he can go?

A fun show, and recommended if you’re a gamer and can get to Dallas once each year.