The Latest News on Transforming Expectations, Transforming Collections, and an Apology

“When something goes wrong, someone is going to tell the story. You’ll be better off if it’s you. Otherwise, you create an opportunity for rumors, hearsay, and false information to spread.”

–Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, Rework*

Last year I stumbled across Rework*, a business book by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson of 37signals. I’ve read a lot of business books over the years, but so many sections of Fried and Hansson’s book touched on things I’ve pushed for, believed in, and attempted over the years that I was amazed.

This book, I quickly realized, spoke to me.

Now this isn’t to say that I agree 100% with everything inside Rework*, but I strongly agree with enough of it that I’ve been suggesting the book to almost everyone I interact with at conventions, the office, and even in business calls.

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But talking about that book doesn’t really matter today. What matters is that I’ve done a poor job of communicating the status of my Transforming Expectations book (Kickstarter page), failed to follow through on the last few shipments of Transforming Collections to the original backers, and generally been spread so thin that I’m taking care of neither project as well as I should.

So I am sorry. And I will now try to accelerate the final stages of the new book, get those last few stragglers out to the original supporters, and do the best I can to make this up to all of you.

Breaking things down:

  • Transforming Collections – Thank you to reader Stratos for directing me to this tfw2005 post where the issue of a missing book surfaced yesterday. I’d not been to the site in so long that I had completely forgotten site user Unicorn Nemesis’ book had gone missing. I’m going to fix that . . . and the few others that have been brought to my attention.

  • Transforming Expectations – The final few toys I needed are in and now it’s time to get back into the process of snapping pics, preparing pages, and push through to the end of the project. There are roughly twenty pages left to go, but I still want to juggle and tweak and massage everything so I’m getting into the hardest stages of the book’s design. I think I’m still on schedule to meet the June, 2014 delivery listed in the Kickstarter project, but I must admit I’m hoping to finish sooner than that.

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None of this forgives the delays or my lack of communication with all of you, but I ask that you give me a chance to make this up to everyone who supported the two books. I am home this weekend and have time to work on the new book — and I’ll be begging my assistant’s help this week with getting those last few copies of Transforming Collections shipped — so the best I can do at this time is say I am sorry and assure you that I’m on this and will do my best.

I cannot thank all of you enough for your support of the books, the site, and even the support and encouragement many of you have given me in my professional life.

Thank you.

2 thoughts on “The Latest News on Transforming Expectations, Transforming Collections, and an Apology

  1. Good luck finishing! I hope people can be understanding and realize you’re a busy guy and have a lot on your plate!

    As far as updates, I’m the kind of guy who just assumes “no news is good news” — but on the other hand it is good to be kept up to date, even if it is just to say “there’s nothing new here” —

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