The Loyal Subjects’ Transformers Optimus Prime Quick Thoughts

The new blind box Transformers toys (pre-order at Entertainment Earth*) are great designs. So far I’ve opened four packs and have an Optimus Prime, Soundwave, Thundercracker, and a chase variant Jazz (not to mention the con exclusive Megatron). I’m loving these and suggest that if you’re a blind box fan and a Transformers fan that you at least try one box.

Articulation: Neck, shoulders, wrists, and waists all swivel. Optimus’ neck swivel doesn’t work great since his head design blocks most of the movement, but the other joints are just fine (after I broke them loose).

Sculpt: Shared bodies with unique heads. Soundwave, Optimus, and Megatron are all the same bodies; I haven’t looked closely enough at the other two to have a comment.

Here are some quick photos of the Optimus Prime. Sorry, but the colors are off since I’m working with hotel desk lamps and not my usual light tent.